Lamina Porcelain

What is Laminate Dental Veneer?

Laminate dental veneers are applied for color differences in teeth, tooth cracks and fractures, and color changes caused by fillings. For these procedures, instead of cutting the entire tooth, an aesthetic application is made by applying leaf porcelain only to the front surface. Laminate veneers, or leaf porcelain as they are known among the public, are a perfect way to correct front teeth and give teeth an aesthetic appearance. Since very little is cut from the structure of the tooth thanks to this method, it is a very protective prosthesis application. Since there is no metal in its substructure, it provides a natural and aesthetic smile due to the porcelain's own structure. You can whiten your teeth with laminates, fill the gaps between your teeth and have a beautiful smile.

Why Are Porcelain Veneers Used?

Porcelain veneer teeth are a perfect alternative to crowns. It is possible to change the color, shape and size of teeth by using leaf veneers with a conservative approach. Tetracycline discoloration, impact, tooth color change after root canal treatment; Porcelain laminates are successfully applied in congenital or later defects. With leaf veneers, very successful results are also achieved in patients with a gap between the teeth, which we call diastema.

How is Porcelain Veneer Tooth Made?

For Laminate Veneer tooth making, the patient must come for at least 3 sessions.
  • In the first appointment, a control model is taken and evaluated.
  • In the second session, the tooth is cut and measured.
  • Finally, the bonding process is applied.

The first session, where the laminate veneer treatment plan is made, is very important. The kind of smile the patient wants should be evaluated very well, any situations that may pose an obstacle regarding the teeth and mouth structure should be conveyed to the patient appropriately and treatment options should be determined. While the leaf veneer is made, a tooth model of the patients is taken. Photos of their teeth and face are taken. The patients' expectations, lifestyle and needs are determined. If necessary, a working model of the final state of the teeth is prepared and shared with the patient.

What are the advantages of porcelain laminate veneer crowns?
  • Since porcelain is prepared in a very thin layer, its light transmission and reflection are very close to natural teeth and this feature provides perfect aesthetics.
  • It is enough to open a slot in your tooth as wide as a nail,
  • No tooth needs to be cut (reduced) more than necessary,
  • Since porcelain surfaces will be extremely smooth, it minimizes stains and tartar formation caused by smoking and similar reasons.
  • It has high resistance to abrasion.

To whom is laminate veneer applied?
  • Those who are not satisfied with the shape of their teeth
  • When whitening procedures applied for the treatment of tooth discoloration in the front region cannot yield results
  • Those with gaps in their teeth
  • In cases where there are large fillings in the front teeth and the decay is not aesthetically pleasing as a result of filling
  • Those with broken or worn front teeth
  • In hereditary structural disorders
  • In the correction of crooked and crooked teeth (as an alternative to orthodontic treatment)

How long does porcelain laminate veneer crown treatment take?

The treatment is completed after an average of 3-4 sessions.

Maintenance of Porcelain Laminate Veneer Crowns
  • In addition to brushing your teeth, dental floss and mouthwash should be used
  • Do not tear off hard foods with your front teeth
  • A night plate should be used if you have a habit of clenching or grinding your teeth
  • Nail-biting habits should be abandoned
  • Six-month check-ups should not be neglected
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
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Special Adana Dental Oral and Dental Health Center continues its services by increasing its success day by day with better service and more advanced technology in solving all oral and dental health problems of patients since its establishment in 2005.
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  • Cemalpaşa Mah. Toros Cad. No:22/A Feriha Yalçın Apt. Özel Adana Dental Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi, Seyhan / ADANA
  • +90 322 453 68 88