Goals and Objectives


Purpose-1 To ensure that our institution's short and medium-term business plans are prepared in line with the hospital's vision and mission and monitored through periodic progress reports.
  Increasing Employee Satisfaction and Performance, Providing Excellent Service to Patients, Protecting and Improving Public Health, Ensuring Continuous Development, and Providing Optimum Financial Performance.
Purpose-2 To ensure institutionalization, professionalization and development of the human resources management system.
Increasing and sustaining brand power and company value, Using human resources effectively and efficiently, meeting the need for qualified human resources on time, Conducting meticulous pre-selection processes in personnel recruitment.
Purpose-3 To ensure the development of the human resources management system
Establishing market-compatible, balanced salary policies Defining position-based career plans/paths Establishing a performance-based salary management system       

Purpose-4 Ensuring that education, training and development opportunities are provided

Encouraging the use of new technologies and providing training Encouraging and developing in-house and external vocational training activities 

Purpose-5 Ensuring the shaping of a company culture that emphasizes teamwork, effective communication, security culture, ethical rules and commitment to the system.


Sharing goals and performances with employees Being careful about delegating work, authority and responsibility Establishing mechanisms that will encourage employees to create development and improvement projects with “Employee Opinions and Suggestions” Adopting the “Open Door” policy and working on communication improvement practices Increasing employee interaction with meal organizations Organizing social activity programs Conducting studies to increase employee productivity Increasing employee satisfaction rates, conducting employee satisfaction surveys.

Purpose-6 Ensuring the improvement of priority processes for quality and patient safety
Implementation of International Patient Safety Goals Improving effective communication
Purpose-7 To ensure that research and activities are focused on increasing income. Hasta sayısının artırılması ve iş akışlarının mükemmeliyetiTehditlerin, fırsatların ve pazardaki rakiplerin yakından takip edilmes Düzenli kurum (bankalar, fabrikalar, vakıflar, resmi daireler vs.) ziyaretleri ile ilişkilerin ve anlaşmaların iyileştirilmesi
Hizmet aralığının genişletilmesi, yeni ve ileri teknoloji uygulamaları için bölgede “ilk” olmaya yönelik yatırımların yapılmasıSağlık turizmi ve turizm sağlığı konularında çalışılması (otel ve uçak şirketleri ile hizmet paketlerinin koordine edilmesi, otel müşterileri için sözleşmelerin hazırlanması, yabancı kuruluşlar ve kurumlar ile doğrudan irtibat halinde bulunulması)Herhangi bir hizmet almadan ayrılan hastaların geri çağrılması ve bunların hizmetlerden istifade etmeleri için çözümlerin bulunmasıİtibarlı hizmet sağlayıcılar ile iş birliği yaparak markanın güçlendirilmesi; hastanın sistemde bir çözüm bulmasının temin edilmesiPazarlama faaliyetlerinin geliştirilerek marka/fiyat dengesinin iyileştirilmesi
Hastane içinde hizmet vermek için iyi tanınan grupların alınması
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
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About us

Special Adana Dental Oral and Dental Health Center continues its services by increasing its success day by day with better service and more advanced technology in solving all oral and dental health problems of patients since its establishment in 2005.
Contact information
  • Cemalpaşa Mah. Toros Cad. No:22/A Feriha Yalçın Apt. Özel Adana Dental Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi, Seyhan / ADANA
  • info@adanadental.com
  • +90 322 453 68 88