Fiber Application

What is Fiber Application?

Fiber application is applied in places where there is a lot of material loss in the teeth and the remaining tooth part cannot be filled alone.

Fiber application is briefly the treatment method applied when all parts of the tooth are destroyed and remain in one piece. Before starting the fiber application, root canal treatment is applied to the tooth to be applied. Then, support is taken from the root of the tooth. A bundle is placed in that part of the tooth and the composite filling to be made is applied on this bundle.

The filling of the tooth is completed with this composite filling. Or, the tooth is given its abraded form with this composite filling. The tooth given its abraded form is coated. Fiber application is applied to teeth and root teeth that are in bad condition.

Why Should Fiber Post Be Preferred?

Tooth enamel is the tooth tissue that has the highest bonding to fillings. In teeth with serious material loss, there is insufficient surface to which the filling will be attached and situations such as filling falling out or breaking may be encountered.

Post-core can be produced with several methods; It can be produced in a laboratory environment with metal mixtures or it can be applied using composite filling materials together with ready-made root screws or fibers. The core concept can be explained as a filling made around the post placed on the tooth. Fiber post filling, which aims to get strength from the tooth root, prevents tooth fractures and tooth losses due to material losses with coating if necessary.

In Which Cases Is Fiber Post Applied?
  • In teeth where the tooth root in the bone is solid and the crown part is ruined.
  • In cases where there is damage such as deep crown fracture in the teeth, after the root health is restored with root canal treatment.
  • In teeth with deep decay or serious material loss that cannot be treated with filling.
  • In the planned prosthesis infrastructure by taking support from bent, multi-angled teeth.
  • In the angular arrangement of the teeth. Fiber posts are preferred.

Advantages of Fiber Post Application

The tooth with excessive material loss becomes able to function well. It can continue to function in the mouth for many years.
  • With fiber post, the fracture resistance of the tooth is increased by taking support from both the root part of the tooth and the crown part, if any.
  • Prevents tooth loss.
  • If the root is solid, the need for implants decreases since the restoration will be completed without extraction.
  • In deep decays and fractures, due to tooth tissue loss; It becomes possible to gain a solid function.
  • The crown canal mouth is blocked and becomes more permanent.

It is an alternative treatment instead of extraction, especially in patients with broken teeth. It prepares strong supports for crowns and coatings.

It is more successful because it is chemically bonded to the tooth compared to brass post structures in the past and prevents tooth root cracks, which are the most common complication of other compressed posts.

How is it done?
  • The tooth on which fiber post application is planned must first have a good root canal treatment. Fiber post application is not possible in teeth without root canal treatment.
  • In a tooth with root canal treatment; the area and depth where the post will be placed are prepared. This ratio is usually described as 2/3 of the root length.
  • The cleaned area is washed in detail with special solutions. It is isolated.
  • If a post is desired to be prepared in a laboratory environment, measurements are taken at this stage. A post suitable for this is produced with its coating in the laboratory.
  • If a fiber post is planned in the mouth; the post of the selected thickness is placed and fixed in the cleaned area with the help of special binders.
  • The core part, i.e. the upper filling, is prepared. Post, Core process is completed. If a coating is planned in the next section, measurements are taken and prosthetic stages begin.

These methods, which are performed to restore large amounts of tooth structures and tissues, are both safe and extremely successful in restoring tooth functions and aesthetics.
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
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Special Adana Dental Oral and Dental Health Center continues its services by increasing its success day by day with better service and more advanced technology in solving all oral and dental health problems of patients since its establishment in 2005.
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  • Cemalpaşa Mah. Toros Cad. No:22/A Feriha Yalçın Apt. Özel Adana Dental Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi, Seyhan / ADANA
  • +90 322 453 68 88