Dental Treatment During Pregnancy

Dental Treatment During Pregnancy

Oral and dental health is very important during pregnancy. Hormonal changes during this period can affect the mother's teeth and gum health. In addition, the mother's oral health can directly affect the baby's health. Therefore, regular dentist check-ups and appropriate dental treatments are important throughout pregnancy.

Common Causes of Dental Problems During Pregnancy

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause gum disease and tooth decay to increase. Increased progesterone and estrogen levels can cause the gums to become more sensitive and swollen. In addition, nausea and vomiting can also negatively affect oral health, as stomach acid can damage tooth enamel. Inadequate oral hygiene can also increase dental problems.

Is Safe Dental Treatment Possible During Pregnancy?

Dental treatment during pregnancy is safe if done with the right timing and care. The health of both the mother and the baby can be protected with precautions taken under the supervision of a dentist. Conditions requiring treatment should be carefully evaluated, urgent ones should be performed, and non-urgent ones should be postponed until after birth. Anesthesia and medication use should be planned in a way that will not harm the baby.

The Most Appropriate Time for Dental Treatment During Pregnancy

The second trimester (between 13-28 weeks) is considered the most appropriate period for dental treatment. During this period, the baby has completed its organ development and the expectant mother may feel more comfortable. In the first trimester, the risks are higher as the baby continues its organ development, while in the third trimester, treatment may be difficult as the expectant mother's comfort and birth approaches.

Gum Diseases and Treatment During Pregnancy

Pregnancy gingivitis is a common form of gingivitis during pregnancy. It occurs with symptoms such as swelling, redness and bleeding in the gums. Gum disease can be associated with risks such as premature birth and low birth weight. Therefore, regular dentist visits and appropriate treatments are important throughout pregnancy. In the treatment of gingivitis, tartar cleaning and proper oral hygiene practices are at the forefront.

Tooth Extraction and Filling Procedures During Pregnancy

Tooth extraction and filling procedures can be performed during pregnancy, but it is generally preferred to wait until after birth for non-emergency situations. Your dentist will evaluate the safest options. When choosing local anesthetics and filling materials, those that will not harm the baby should be preferred. In emergency cases, treatment should not be postponed to reduce the risk of infection.

Is X-Ray Taking Safe During Pregnancy?

Dental X-rays can be taken when necessary, but protective measures are usually taken. The radiation that the baby will be exposed to is minimized by using a lead apron and thyroid shield. Taking dental X-rays with modern devices is generally considered safe due to the low radiation dose, but it is still recommended to take X-rays only in emergencies.

Teeth Whitening and Aesthetic Procedures During Pregnancy

Teeth whitening and aesthetic procedures are usually postponed until after pregnancy. Since such procedures are not urgent, it is more appropriate to leave them until after birth for the health of both the mother and the baby. Since the chemicals and methods used during aesthetic procedures can put the baby's health at risk, it is recommended to avoid such procedures.

Tips for Protecting Oral and Dental Health During Pregnancy

Regular tooth brushing, flossing and dentist visits are very important to protect oral and dental health during pregnancy. It is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and to clean the spaces between your teeth with dental floss. A balanced diet and avoiding excessively sugary foods also help maintain oral health. In addition, precautions such as rinsing your mouth and drinking water after vomiting can prevent stomach acid from damaging your teeth.
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
Special Adana Dental | Oral and Dental Health Center
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Special Adana Dental Oral and Dental Health Center continues its services by increasing its success day by day with better service and more advanced technology in solving all oral and dental health problems of patients since its establishment in 2005.
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  • Cemalpaşa Mah. Toros Cad. No:22/A Feriha Yalçın Apt. Özel Adana Dental Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi, Seyhan / ADANA
  • +90 322 453 68 88